Welcome to Better Fundraising.

What is RaiseBerry?

A: It’s a free online fundraising platform where holding any type of fundraiser is easier. Plus with our catalog of ready-to-ship products, RaiseBerry empowers you to offer something to supporters besides just asking for donations—(although we take those too!) And since we ship straight to supporters, you never even touch inventory, or handle cash.

  • No more touching inventory
  • No more handling payments
  • It's free—you'll never get a bill.

Why is it better?

A: In short, it's easier, cheaper, and more effective.

  • It's EASIER to to fundraise when someone handles logistics for you.
  • It's CHEAPER because it's free to use, with no minimums.
  • It's MORE EFFECTIVE because it means you can do more with less

So how does it work?

  • For Product & Donation Fundraisers, it's Simple:

Build Your Fundraiser

It just takes a couple minutes
to set-up a successful fundraiser

Pick Your Products

Choose from our ready-to-sell
quality products or bring your own

Share, Share, Share

Participants get unique links and
QR codes to share and track sales

Collect Your Funds

We've made it so much easier to see
sales and deposit your funds at the end
  • Remember, RaiseBerry allows you to offer your own product (including admission tickets & concessions
  • We also offer custom apparel & swag

What's the catch?

A: It really is free, and there really are no minimums on standard items. The way we make our money is a checkout fee paid by supporters, and a built-in margin on products we offer. That's it.

How do I get started?

A: Just create an account, make a draft of your first fundraiser, and then publish it once we approve! We’ll chat with you at any moment to help.

Build Your Fundraiser

Whether you’re part of a school PTA, little league team, chamber of commerce, or any other local organization that holds fundraisers—RaiseBerry is the platform you’ve been waiting for. Instead of just asking for donations, and instead of managing orders and deliveries, get back to focusing on your organization, and let RaiseBerry handle the tough stuff.

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Select Products From Our Catalog

We supply amazing products from great brands, and ship them directly to your supporters. That means you don’t have to ever deliver another product order again—unless you really want to. Of course, you could also sell your own products and services in your RaiseBerry fundraiser, if that’s a better option for you.

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Spread The Word

RaiseBerry gives you the power to individually track sales referred by anyone in your organization. In other words, each student, athlete, or volunteer can have their own shareable link to invite supporters into the fundraiser while getting credit for their contributions. Plus, each product sold shows supporters exactly how much of the sale goes to the fundraiser, so it’s transparent.

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Funds Get Deposited

Skip handling order forms, cash, checks, and reconciling credit card transactions. Just watch the funds hit your bank account, and focus on what you’re there for. Plus you can always use our accounting tools to understand what’s going on.

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Who Can Raise With RaiseBerry?

RaiseBerry only allows US-based schools / nonprofit groups to raise funds on its platform. Fundraisers designed to benefit individuals, for-profit companies, or other groups / entities are not allowed. RaiseBerry may also reject fundraiser campaigns at its discretion.

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Start Raising Today!

Don't make your fundraiser harder than it has to be. Start raising today. Contact us and
a representative can walk you through the process if needed.

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